
Elina Pavlides

“I believe in the promotion of well-being, and in creating loving environment for a future generation that is caring and compassionate.”

Elina is the founder of Life Centre and Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. She has received her diploma in Yoga Therapy from Yoga Campus, UK and from the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres. She qualified as a certified instructor for Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga, Baby Yoga and Massage with Birthlight, a leading training centre for perinatal yoga and babies in the UK. She is also certified as Therapist for Pregnancy Massage from the Traditional Institute of Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy.

Elina has attented yoga workshops led by international yogis such as Dr. Francoise Barbira Freedman, Judith Lasater, Ana Forest, Elizabeth Pauncz and Peter Sterios and also other established yoga teachers such as Jane Kersel, Chris Wallis and Swami Durgananda. Elina holds a Masters Degree in Arts and has exhibited widely.

Elena Christofides

Elena Christofides has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and has completed 900 hours of teacher training with affiliate School of chakra yoga centre Thailand and Om Chakra Yoga Cyprus. Subjects covered include Hatha yoga, Pranayama Yoga, Gnana Yoga (relaxation techniques), Raja Yoga (concentration techniques), Yantra Yoga (sacred geometry), Mantra yoga and Karma Yoga.